Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Field Trip to the Fire Station

We're off to the Fire Station!

Candice with Jolie and Tyler

Cheri with Ethan and Jordan
Erika with Nikole and Anthony

Kevin with Shay and Derrick

Will with Liam and Alexandra

We're ready to go in!

Gino welcoming us to Fire Station No. 5.

High five to the fire fighters!

This is the captain's office.  Where is he?

He's here!  Good morning Captain!

Now it's time to listen to a story about Fire Safety Dragon.

That was a really nice story!
Now it's time to see the rest of the Fire Station.

Gino shows us the computer that tells them about 911 calls and other emergencies.

This is their kitchen.

They also have a backyard where they can BBQ!

This is one of the bedrooms where the fire fighters sleep.

They can also relax and watch TV in this living room.

Time to meet the other fire fighters and see the fire engine!

Gino shows us the different equipment they use during an emergency.

Time to hop in the fire engine!

That was fun! 
Time to listen to one of their paramedics!

This is Luke showing us his gear.

Luke explains why we should not be afraid of fire fighters.  They are here to help us!

Thank you guys for having us!

Thank you Fire Station No. 5!

In memory of the emergency services personnel who gave their lives to save others in the terrorist attacks of 9.11. 
We shall never forget them.
Please visit the Orange County Fire Authority Website at:  OC Fire Authority

Special thanks to our room moms (Erika and Cheri) for organizing this field trip!

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