Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friends of the Sea Lion

Our class is ready to meet "Cora," the elephant sea lion, who needs treatment for her sore eyes.

That is Cora!  The staff had to hold her down so they can give her some eyedrops.  "Stay still Cora!"

That was quick!  Now, time to go in the water!

Eating time!

We are ready to learn more about the rescue and rehabilitation center!

We are quietly listening to the story of Sammy, a California sea lion, who was rescued by the center.

This is Sammy!  He was very thin when they found him along the Orange County coastline.

They took care of him...

They introduced him to new friends...

They fed him...

Now, he's all ready to go back home!

Release Day!
Everyone came to say goodbye to Sammy!

Bye Sammy!

After listening to Sammy's story, we got to see and touch some sea lion bones and skin.

That was very informative.  Time go down and see more stuff!

Lunch Time!

Nia with Alexandra and Tyler

Papa and Gran with Luke

Kevin with Shay

Erika with Nikole, Jolie, and Anthony

Cheri with Ethan, Derrick, and Liam


Please visit Friends of the Sea Lion cy clicking this link:  Pacific Marine Mammal Center

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