Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Apples Up On Top!

Jolie has 5 apples up on top.

Luke has 4 apples up on top.

Alexandra has 3 apples up on top.

Derrick has 2 apples up on top.

Jordan has 5 apples up on top.

Nikole has 3 apples up on top.

Tyler has 4 apples up on top.

Liam has 6 apples up on top.

Ethan has 3 apples up on top.

Anthony has 2 apples up on top.

Shay has 5 apples up on top.

All About Me

Our first family project was to decorate a child outline to tell about ourselves.  We painted, drew, and even glued photos and other materials with help from our families. 

We learned so many important things about our friends as they share about their families, favorite things to do or eat, favorite people, favorite books, favorite toys, and even things they like to do as a family. 

Special thanks to Kevin (Shay's dad) for these great child patterns!

Good job everyone! 

Chika Chika ABC

Jolie has the letter J

Luke has the letter L

Liam has the letter L

Derrick has the letter D

Nikole has the letter N

Jordan has the letter J

Tyler has the letter T

Ethan has the letter E

Alexandra has the letter A

Shay has the letter S

Anthony has the letter A

Friday, October 15, 2010

Meet the Kindergartners!












Thursday, October 14, 2010

Miss Irene Gets Ready for Kindergarten

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Luke turns off the alarm clock.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Jordan gets out of bed.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Tyler washes his face.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Nikole dresses up.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Liam puts on his shoes.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Alexandra brushes her hair.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Ethan eats his breakfast.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Derrick brushes his teeth.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.
Jolie prepares her lunch.

Miss Irene gets ready for kindergarten.

Anthony gets in the car.

Miss Irene gets ready for Kindergarten.

Shay kisses daddy goodbye!

Miss Irene is now ready for Kindergarten!